Category Archives: Uncategorized


Memories are a tricky thing for me.  Most memories before just a few years ago are either lost or “faulty”.  Some memories I have aren’t entirely true, or they’re mixed up with other memories.  I hate it but also kind of enjoy learning about my past.  And it’s really the simple things.

A couple days ago, I found a little Motorola flip phone in with a box of junk.  It was from 2008 or before.  And it was full of text messages.  Memories flooded me but have me wary of how real/precise they are.

Just something neat I felt like sharing.


Ms Malum

Ms Malum

An old gaming pal from my ancient history resurfaced recently and tried to reminisce about a time we spent together.  While I vaguely remembered him, I didn’t remember the characters or game time at all.  Note:  This was from my time prior to AVM surgery so the memories I have are very murky at best.

Thankfully, he knows (knew?) me well enough to patiently walk me through this time we spent together.  While everything he explained about me sounded spot-on “me”, I still cannot recall for myself.  Is it possible he has confused me with someone else that’s similar to me?  Did I really have a grand time playing an MMORPG that I have no memory of?  Ahh, the strange and wonderful world of my faulty brain!

Ima Cowboi


I gave in to the hype.
I didn’t realize there’s no character customization.  So I’m stuck being a bearded hobo-man with a horse.
Spent a couple hours ignoring the never-ending story-driven crap and just speaking over everything.  “IMA COWBOI….”

This is the most boring, shit game I’ve ever seen.  I find it hard to believe people are excited about this.  It is not entertaining in the least bit.

I want my money back.

I’m pretty sure Dark Souls 3 has destroyed my idea of how games should be.  If it’s not fast and insanely difficult, I probably won’t like it.  Fuck.

Dark Souls 3 PWND

Nameless King has been defeated!  Yes, after a literal month…
Soul of Cinder was made into my personal bitch in the first round.

I have officially completed a game on Playstation!  Woooo!

So, what’s next?
Maybe Dark Souls 1 on Nintendo Switch?

Man, I should stream games like everyone else.  Though all I really have to say when I play is, “Fuck you.  Fuck you.  FUCK YOU.  Fuck off.  Fuck you.  FFUUUUUCCCKKKK!”
‘Cause I’m a lady keepin’ it real.

Or maybe the new cowboy game that the world is hyped up about.

Dark Souls 3 !!!! Game Update!?

It’s been a while!

I’ve been doing on-again off-again gaming!  Well, one game:  Dark Souls 3.

I absolutely love the game.  I don’t do the online business ’cause I don’t care about it!
It’s crazy difficult…  until you GIT GUD.  (Or until you farm yourself to high level and manage to equip yourself with the best gear available – Habit from online gaming.)
While there’s a zillion play-through videos out there, I don’t watch them.  I prefer trial and error attempts and free-roaming exploration.  That’s probably why I have 572984.1 hours sank into the game.

I’m currently up to Dragonslayer Armor.  Died a few times, but will probably get him in the next try or two.

I’ll probably play #1 on Nintendo Switch when I’m done with this.

And now, some images!  None by me.  :(
But it’s two of my favorite bosses: Abyss Watchers & Dancer of the Boreal Valley.
Abyss Watchers armor is what I wore for most of the game until I murdered Eygon (which I regret) and later discovered the all-too-hilarious Smough armor.  Though, I have found myself switching to Exile which is far less fun.

Abyss Watcher:


Dancer of the Boreal Valley, the creepiest chick in the universe:  (Second picture shows what the rest of the internet world likes about her, something I didn’t even notice before.)